Conquering Your Mountain
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Isn't Life Interesting??
I found this new app on my phone called Day One where you can log a journal, associate each entry with a picture of your day..
But I have neglected this kind of public journal in the process of just being busy and trying to keep all my stuff on track!
My wife and I recently welcomed a brand new darling baby into our lives on Dec 27, 2013.
We welcomed a brand new doggy into our lives Remy, Pure lab!!
and we welcomed a brand new home into our lives, Bluffdale, Utah..
Needless to say, things have been busy.. We feel unbelievably blessed for all we have!
I ran across an enlightening quote from my good friend Doug Neilsen,
He sends me "Doug's Daily Dose of Power" everyday, he is super consistent and you can get this as well if you visit his website that I posted up there by his name, go down on his home page to daily quotes and add your email, he sends ONLY the QUOTES, no solicitation I promise;
"Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become
bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build
you up so you can be all that you were intended to be."
--Samuel Johnson
I love this quote for a couple reasons..
My life has been SO INTERESTING the passed 6-8 months..
I am transitioning career paths,
I am getting back into school,
I have gained A LOT of perspective in these transitions,
but also kind of felt like at times that everything was going wrong and ALMOST losing the message of this Blog title and what I have tried to live my life under the powerful statement of:
Conquering Your Mountain!!!
Any mindset that we choose to let enter our brains, is just that
Or as I like to call it;
I wanted to check in and update, and just say that I am grateful for perspective,
I am very grateful for supportive friends and family..
I am grateful for my little family,
I am grateful my little baby girl Shiloh Khloe is 3 today! I am so proud of her!!
I am so grateful for God in my life!
I am grateful for this life that is indeed oh so interesting!
I hope all that read this will continue to Conquer Your Mountain
and WIN!
God Bless all
Sunday, November 4, 2012
WOW, I have so many New and Great things to update everyone on..
First and Foremost:
Things are going more than fantastic!!!!
I continue to press on with my 3 phase "Getting Fit" process trying very hard and faithfully to reach the 215 pound I seek.
I am continuing to hit the gym multiple times a week,
hit my living room doing Insanity!!!!
P90X!! (can you tell which one I love more?? I gave Insanity 3 exclamation points! :)
I love both the programs and have been able to do them both in one day in fact (Insanity in the morning for cardio, and P90X at night for weight training)
I hit a wall at 228 pounds even though I was eating perfect and working out so much burning nearly 2,000 calories a day and only taking in about 1,700 is not a great ratio folks..
I started to go backwards and was frustrated when I was chomping down a pound of broccoli and gaining pounds :/ (that's the "sigh" face everyone does on FB)
I continue to press forward as I have no choice but to eat perfect these days because I am not willing to play "Russian Roulette" with this Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis.
Speaking of that MS, I am proud to announce that as of 6 months ago today;
I am Completely Drug Free,
I weened myself from my MS medication and have decided to go the "All Natural" route and let my body do what is supposed to do and Heal Itself!
I have gone from 275-228, I eat perfect, I workout daily, I Supplement with a product that won the Nobel Prize of medicine, I have an incredible belief in God that he will take care of me as I put good things into my body all the time!
It was a BIG CHOICE I had to come to the conclusion of making with my sweetheart, and trusting that all will be well!
I am so excited about my business,
My Life,
My Quest to Save Millions of Lives with the Natural Supplement that I take on a daily basis..
I want to throw out the challenge to anyone that reads this:
If you know anyone that suffers from:
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Abnormal Triglycerides
ANYTHING regarding blood flow, please direct them to:
go to the PRODUCTS section and educate yourself and others about this life saving product that I am working with!
You will save someones life..
I love it..
Stay Tuned, pictures to come when I hit my goal of 215! I found a new formula of working out, eating at certain times during the days that is going to assist me in getting there..
This Life is an incredible journey, be sure to stop and smell the roses every once and a while! They wilt and die much too fast.
I hope you all are
Conquering Your Mountains!
Till next time
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
UPDATE 06/13/12
I fell off the wagon to begin with, after day 5 (seems all to often that this happens) I get psyched up to change my physical body and appearance, therefore changing my Spiritual and Mental life as well and help boost me in the right direction once and for all, and then I miss a workout, or don't eat as perfect as I planned, fall off the band wagon and continue to be tired, fat, and depressed about being so tired and fat! I have a support coach named Diana Bateman who is a friend, as well as a HUGE motivation in living well with the diagnosis of MS! (Even we "Speakers and Motivators" need it at times)
She has finished P90X as well as Insanity, Hip Hop Abs, and is currently doing Brazilian Butt Lift.. ha ha..
And she is now training for a 5K which sounds a little crazy to me..
You can follow her journey at
She got a hold of me on April 9, if you recall I wrote the life changing post on March 7 so I lost a month, but I gained something much more!
We talked and she gave the best support call, emailed me to check up on me and so on and so forth.. I got back on the band wagon and started Insanity on April 9, 2012... Felt really good about everything, went out of town multiple times and brought my workouts with me and played them on my laptop, and did them!!
I scheduled the time to do the workouts (Diana's suggestion)
I wrote down everything I ate (Diana's suggestion)
I only weighed myself ONCE (Karrie's suggestion) my beautiful wife!!
I started a kick boxing class 3 times a week (Karrie's suggestion) my beautiful wife!!
I kept with Insanity Mon, Wed, Fri
Kick Boxing/Tabata class: Tues, Thurs, Sat
Eating healthy 5 small meals a day, sticking with it.. Using Slight Edge priciples (Easy things to do, are also Easy Not to do.. Life Changing Book, I recommend it highly) You can get it here:
I just finished 60 days of the Insanity program, and I have Released The Weight and have gone from:
273LBS - 248LBS
And I am still motivated to change even more and Release EVEN MORE WEIGHT, this GOO is not coming back!
I have started the Insanity program again on June 11, 2012 and will be done this time in Aug. 11, 2012, and the life changing process continues!!!
Bring on Phase TWO!
I am very excited and pumped, I have changed and engrained a lot of good habits into my life with the help of a coach, my wife, and turning my car into a "Unitversity On Wheels" as Zig Ziglar would say with insprational books on MP3 and reading good things!
DO YOU find yourself falling into the negative cycles I mentioned above?
If so, I recommend you
1,) Find a Coach (Diana is a beachbody coach and is Fabulous, her contact info is on her website;
2.) Write down everything you eat for weight loss, or activities you do to try to accomplish something positive in your life for accountability purposes
3.) Never Give UP!
I love this video that promotes a program that DDP put together that is a Yoga program that is hardcore, but this video will make you cry, so get the tissues and enjoy:
4.) You can't have my wife, (She is amazingly supportive of late night or early morning workouts)
but get your spouse on board, This is a MUST for support, and success!
5.) Turn your car, i-pod, i-phone, i-pad into a University! There are so many good things out there that can help you get what you want and accomplish good things!
6,) Get the Slight Edge Book or CD!! (Above link)
7.) Jim Rohn says:
"Self Improvement is so valuable Because it makes you Unique"
Improve Yourself!
I challenge everyone reading this post, to push yourself, do better every day and
-Conquer Your Mountain!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
LIFE CHANGER!! so far baby..

I was driving home from an incredibly successful business trip to Hemet, California with Synergy World Wide and talked on the phone with my Dad for 2 HOURS! We never talk this long, but it was a very valuable conversation that was life changing. When I got home, I took a long look in the mirror. Looked myself in the eyes, then down at my belly, back to the eyes, BACK TO THE BELLY! I couldn't look away (Just like a car accident, you don't want to look BUT YOU CANNOT LOOK AWAY)
My Dad brought up some very good points about people coming up to him and saying very hurtful things (Anyone else would have taken offense) My Dad choose to take ACTION! He completely stopped eating sugar, gluten, dairy, among other things as he is choosing to change his life as he approaches the age of 60.
Well, he made me think, about my fat belly, about what I eat, most of all about my Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis! He said something I will never forget:
It sounds a little weird and obvious if you are not sure about our incredible Mission to save a million lives through the MIRACLE of PROARGI9+ which helps sustain life, and reverses heart disease amongst many other things. (Of which I have had a personal VERY profound experience with)
The bottom line is: I am 50 pounds over weight, I have a resolution to myself and to my family and my Dad, and My GOD that I will lose this 50 pounds during the year 2012 through 3 phases:
First Phase: March 2, 2012 - June 2, 2012 (P90X, 90 day program muscle confusion)
I have accomplished so far
March 2 (Friday): Chest and Back
March 3 (Saturday): Plyometrics
March 5 (Monday): Yoga
March 6 (Tuesday): Legs and Back
March 7 (Wed.): Kenpo Karate

Second Phase: June 4, 2012 - August 4, 2012 (Insanity, 60 day program INSANE CARDIO)

Third Phase: August 6, 2012 - November 6, 2012 (P90X & Insanity Hybrid 90 days of CRAZINESS)

INSANITY phrase that pays:
P90X phrase that pays:
Josh Hewlett phrase that pays:
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Symposium At The Beautiful Davenport

I attended a ProArgi9+ Symposium in Spokane, Washington and stayed at the Davenport hotel!
It was so incredible and my life has been changed due to this incredible event. I was able to spend 5 incredible days with Experts on Nitric Oxide and the incredible signaling molecule that cures and prevents heart disease. I have seen miracles with this product on a Monthly, Weekly, and Daily basis and I cannot believe that everyone in this world doesn't know about this.

Left to right, Dr. Siva, Dr. Boger, Dan Austin, experts on Nitric Oxide, Experts that I spent 5 days with)
This is going to save health care and save the world from dying from the number one "Silent Killer" which is a heart attack or stroke. It is said, the first symptom is the last symptom cause you are DEAD!
I love this product and have a mission and RESPONSIBILITY to share it with everyone that will listen. I ask all that is reading this post the simple question:
"If someone shared with you the discovery of a natural product, based on Nobel Prize medical research; that significantly improved cardiovascular-health and performance; would you try that product for 90 days, on an unconditional money back satisfaction guaranteed basis?"

I have asked this question to over 80 people in the past 4 months and had 97% of the people answering,
"Why would anyone NOT take you up on this?"
I ask you this same question?
I hope YOU have the same answer to this question because EVERYONE NEEDS THIS PRO-ARGI9+
if you would like to know more, let's talk!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I returned from a trip to Boston that has been summed up in one simple phrase with the help from Biogen Idec (The company I speak for):
"I am still Just Beginning"
After a plane ride going to Boston that I was certain would be my last due to 100+ MPH wind that almost flipped the plane and caused us to crash land.
>3 days of hanging and learning from some of the MOST INCREDIBLE MS thrivers I have ever seen in my life
> Watching a man stand from the confines of a wheel chair and speak
> Networking and building relationships with the greatest friends that sadly I only see once a year.
They all made me realize and feel energized in the fact that I am doing so well with my battle of MS and all that comes with this crazy, unpredictable disease.
I thought A LOT on the plane ride home that was very long, I tried to watch a movie and couldn't stand it, as it will remain unnamed due to my respect level for the actor in it. Still couldn't stand to try to sit through it.
My theme in this blog post is due to me promising my wife that I would do something and ALWAYS falling back on that promise.
I looked at this picture (to the left) and realized that although I am conquering my Mountain of dealing with the depression, chills, achiness, loss of legs, arms, sight, and grip just to name of a fewdemons others deal with. I have found a passion for life in a very uncertain world of change and hopelessness. I feel I am dealing with things pretty well with the help of God and his loving spirit and guidance every single day of my life thus far.
I am "Still Just Beginning" to cure my addictions to the biggest demon and beast of all:
That for me is, FOOD!!
They took this picture of me (above) and I was sickened by it, I know that I am fighting this disease with everything I have (so I thought) my pictures need to look more like this:
WEEK ONE of INSANITY! Again, yep that is the point, I am STILL JUST BEGINNING folks, hopefully I will FINISH INSANITY and stick with it until I have CONQUERED THIS MOUNTAIN and gain some self control!
What Mountain do you have to Conquer? Search for it, Find it,
CONQUER IT! Good luck- you can do anything you want.
Just Do It
-Jhew out
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Help Ashlyn Weisler
Donate $25 dollars to help pay for this little girls medical bills that could save an uninsured families home. I personally know each and every one of the speakers that have donated their time and efforts to put this workbook together that you will get with a donation of $25 dollars.
They have each changed my life in a positive way, and could change yours if you will donate $25 and receive this PRICELESS GIFT that they have put together for you to learn and grow in a positive way.
THIS IS A WIN WIN FOR YOU, AND FOR WEISLER FAMILY! Ashlyn is a miracle, a great opportunity to help and give back to this incredible cause. You will hear from each one of these speakers, this line below speaks for thousands and thousands of dollars EACH SPEECH! And you will receive all of them for just $25. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!