Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thursday was even better!

Karrie and I attended a MS seminar put on by the MS Society- they had one speaker and then a very respected doctor took the stage! Karrie leaned over to me and said; "Josh, if you want to speak for a living, go up and talk to him and ask him what you would have to do to become a full time speaker for the MS Society!" I told her NO, They would never have me! Then she said something that changed my life; "Josh, I DARE YOU TO STOP BEING SO SCARED." Wow, if that isn't humbling coming from your wife, I dont know what is!

I went up to him and asked him what I would have to do to become a speaker with the society, and he simply answered; "that is great! Do you want to speak at our next events?" I almost hit the floor!

Dare yourself: TO STOP BEING SO SCARED And things will work in your favor!

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