My Dreams are Worthless, My Plans are Dust, My Goals are Impossible. All are of No Value UNLESS they are Followed by Action!
I am very excited about this chapter and have been living it for about 5 solid months in the back of my mind, now it is in the front of my mind and will be residing there for the next 90 days! I have been living this pretty passively and now I am ready to take charge of my life and make my plans, goals and dreams come to fruition. I am ready to do this and have a PERFECT vehicle in order to make this happen. I am a professional speaker, consultant, trainer and most importantly I am an
MS Thriver!
With the disease of MS I have been able to climb mountains, run with my 4 year old son and play basketball with him, I have accomplished some significant goals that are very important to my families well being! I have changed (MOST IMPORTANTLY) into a person of ACTION! My wife sees it, my friends see it, and I see it! I have been doing just OK with the speaking and training part of my business but now I am working with my Father who gave me this book (The Greatest Salesman in the World) and wrote me a letter describing how it has changed his life, and turned him into the Greatest Salesman in the World! He told me to read it over and over until it changed

This was back in May of 2003. Here we are in November of 2011, and although it has taken me a while (and an in-curable disease) to change my life and change my whole existence into someone who takes ACTION rather than just talking about it, I am ready to do so! My vehicle is simple, it's called Pro-Argi9+ and it has changed my life significantly and could very well change yours!

I challenge everyone who reads this to take charge of your life, it feels so amazing to do so! Call me for more tips on how to do this!
-Conquer Your Mountain
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